Happiness isn’t merely a relationship, it’s a loving relationship

Finding love shouldn’t be miserable and end up so wrong. Find out how to do it right and be happy.

Clear communication is essential to any happy relationship

We know how hard it can be to make a relationship work. Our knowledge of personalities can make all the difference.

Without the knowledge of personality types you increase the risk of:

  • Picking someone who is incompatible in the long-term
  • Emotional pain from a bad relationship
  • Miscommunication with your partner
  • Prolonged loneliness and the inability to connect emotionally

You deserve a fair shot at love — the InnerShift personality system can give you the edge you’re looking for

I’m afraid to commit to a relationship because I don’t want to get hurt.

InnerShift’s personality typing sessions will reveal the personality of whoever you’re curious about

By just sending us some photos, we can tell you the in-born personality of your partner or the person you’re interested in — we can see beyond the person they may be pretending to be. Having this knowledge is a huge advantage. Normally, it could take months to figure out what we can tell you in minutes. Let us save you the emotional energy and pain spent on bad relationships.

My emotional needs are not being met — my partner never seems to get me.

Skip the frustration and misunderstandings — join us for a relationship consultation

We’ll discuss what you and your partner’s personality type needs most to feel loved and adored. We’ll also teach you the right personality language to speak to help the other feel heard and understood.

I’m afraid I’ll pick the wrong person for a relationship. I want to feel confident in my choices.

These are real and valid concerns. Our relationship training will teach you what you need to know to trust a good match

You will learn about the 5 primary personality traits and what we call “lifestyle requirements” that help make two people a good match. We’ll teach you how to spot narcissists and sociopaths so you can avoid them from Day 1. This knowledge will save you heartache down the road and give you the confidence to start a relationship that’s right for you.

Our unique InnerShift method will help uncover your…

Personality DNA

By simply studying your face and body movement, we can reveal more about you than any quiz: no bias or self-concept — just the real you.

Path to Total Confidence

Once you truly know yourself, you’ll be able to set goals and take action that capitalizes on your strengths and challenges your weaknesses.

Best Possible Self

We help you define your limitations so that you can leap beyond them and experience self-actualization.

Follow these 3 easy steps to find your True Self and create a happy & fulfilling relationship

Click the button below to take our quick & easy self-assessment

Receive a free PDF exploring the InnerShift personality system

Schedule a relationship consultation or relationship compatibility assessment

What do our amazing clients have to say?

Alex pegged every single one of us with his system...

And it opened this huge “aha” for me that you really do have to work in accordance with who you are and who you are created to be. Many people have asked me, ‘What’s the best thing about running your business?’ and I always say, ‘I feel more me than I’ve ever felt before."

— Anna Powers
Business Coach & Copywriter at SaraAnnaPowers.com

[Alex's system] has deeply impacted me, more than ever before.

On such a deeper level, and not when it just comes to my business. It really changed me on a personal level. I felt like I had a temporary identity crisis. And Alex came in and really changed how we thought about ourselves and who we think we are.”

— Tiffany Lee Bymaster
Brand Strategist & Confidence Coach at CoachGlitter.com

Now I can show up to my business and to my clients in a much more authentic way.

I can be around much longer because I’m aware of the stress I was creating for myself. I was trying to be someone I’m not. That perception of myself has changed – big time, and now I realize who I truly am. I can show up authentically now – truly authentically."

— Rachel Perry
Podcaster & Business Coach at rachelaperry.com

Alex has cracked the code...

His system is absolutely perfect for building highly cohesive teams and uncovering employee's strengths and weaknesses with his scientific-intuitive approach to understanding people. He's given me a skill set that's changed my life both personally and professionally.

— V.R. White
Chief Retail Officer

When things aren’t working right in your relationship, you may feel doubtful about your long-term compatibility 

Have a relationship of trust and commitment

Enjoy communication and connection in your relationship

Bring back a relationship of emotional fulfillment and romance

When things aren’t working right in your relationship, you may feel doubtful about your long-term compatibility 

Have a relationship of trust and commitment

Enjoy communication and connection in your relationship

Bring back a relationship of emotional fulfillment and romance

YOU know you… or do you?

Most people’s self-perception is clouded by bias. They identify as the person they’d like to be or how they want to be perceived. 

Unfortunately, this makes self-assessments highly inaccurate.

At InnerShift, we understand this disconnect and want to show YOU how your self-concept differs from who you really are.

It’s time to see if YOUR self-perception is truly you!